

Specific support for teenage athletes with high-performance targets in mind.

As young athletes, you have increased energy needs to support growth and development while accommodating the demands of training and competition…. One of the most frequent things I encounter is under fuelling and overtraining, and it can manifest just like this “I hate Tapering because I always get sick so have decided I am not going to taper anymore”… I will share a secret with you tapering is not the problem your fuelling plan is.! 

Your calorie budget is bigger than you think!!!!! Let me show you how to stay in the positive.

What is Low energy availability?

Simply put your body is not being supplied SUFFICIENT CALORIES through food to SUPPORT energy it is expending through training. When energy intake remains low for a long period of time, it can lead to multiple outcomes such as inability to achieve training adaptions, impaired growth, frequent infections, hormone dysregulation, (delayed puberty, altered menstrual cycles), bone injuries, impaired muscle recovery, poor sleep, mood alterations, stress intolerance, slow recovery, low muscle mass due to impaired muscle protein synthesis. Poor performance due to diminished phosphocreatine regeneration and mitochondrial production of ATP from Glycogen. 

The Collectives